

Small island between Tuscany and Sicily.


The Book Depository
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Walking in Tuscany
  • A guidebook to walks in the Italian region of Tuscany. 43 graded routes range from 2.5 to 18km, and take in the Renaissance splendour of Florence and Siena, the World Heritage scenery of Val d`Orcia and San Gimignano and the stunning island of Elba. Alongside detailed route descriptions and clear mapping there is essential practical information... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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The Book Depository
United Kingdom
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Walking in Tuscany - Toscane | Cicerone
  • Guidebook to 43 graded, mostly easy walks in Tuscany. Taking in the Renaissance splendour of Florence and Siena, the World Heritage scenery of Val d'Orcia and San Gimignano and the stunning island of Elba, the routes use historical pathways used by traders, pilgrims and armies, and include some brief, trouble-free climbs/descents. Read more
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  • Walking In Tuscany
  • Third edition of a guidebook to 50 walks through Italy's Tuscany, Umbria and Latium, ranging from brief strolls to a 5-day trek (the Chianti Trail). This guide offers suggestions for exploratory walks through the picture postcard landscapes of Tuscany, Umbria and Latium. The 50 itineraries range from brief strolls to a five-day trek, taking in... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Walking In Tuscany
  • Third edition of a guidebook to 50 walks through Italy's Tuscany, Umbria and Latium, ranging from brief strolls to a 5-day trek (the Chianti Trail). This guide offers suggestions for exploratory walks through the picture postcard landscapes of Tuscany, Umbria and Latium. The 50 itineraries range from brief strolls to a five-day trek, taking in... Read more
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  • WF5765 Elba Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • WF5765 Elba Kompass
  • De Kompass wandelgids + kaart geeft een overzicht van alle wandelroutes in het gebied met nauwkeurige routeaanwijzingen en hoogteaanduidingen, De extra grote kaart, schaal 1:35 000, is ideaal om van te voren uw route uit te stippelen en om onderweg te gebruiken • naast de bekende bestemmingen, worden ook de minder bekende vermeld • openbaar... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids 296 Elba | Rother Bergverlag
  • Uitstekende wandelgids met een groot aantal dagtochten in dal en hooggebergte. Met praktische informatie en beperkt kaartmateriaal! Wandelingen in verschillende zwaarte weergegeven in rood/blauw/zwart. 150 Buchten und 147 Kilometer Küste, herrliche Strände, wuchtige Granitkuppen und schroffe Kalkspitzen – so präsentiert sich Elba, die... Read more
  • Elba
  • Mehrfach ausgezeichnet als bester Kompakt-Reiseführer: 1. Platz ITB BuchAward!Jetzt neu mit herausnehmbarer Straßenkarte zusätzlich zum Kartenatlas.Ebenfalls neu: das MERIAN-Quiz. Gewinnen Sie Monat für Monat attraktive Preise.Die Insel Elba - geschichtlich bedeutend, seit Napoleon hier seine erste Verbannung erlebte.MERIAN live! Elba... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Elba
  • Mehrfach ausgezeichnet als bester Kompakt-Reiseführer: 1. Platz ITB BuchAward!Jetzt neu mit herausnehmbarer Straßenkarte zusätzlich zum Kartenatlas.Ebenfalls neu: das MERIAN-Quiz. Gewinnen Sie Monat für Monat attraktive Preise.Die Insel Elba - geschichtlich bedeutend, seit Napoleon hier seine erste Verbannung erlebte.MERIAN live! Elba... Read more
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  • Mountainbiken auf Elba
  • Die italienische Insel Elba ist ein Traumrevier f r abenteuerlustige Mountainbiker und entwickelt sich gerade zu einem neuen Hotspot der Szene. Schroffe Berge, tolle Trails und das milde Klima locken viele, die den Gardasee und auch Finale Ligure schon gut kennen, in die noch nicht berlaufenen Quartiere auf Elba. Hier gibt es unendliche Fahrm... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Mountainbiken auf Elba
  • Die italienische Insel Elba ist ein Traumrevier f r abenteuerlustige Mountainbiker und entwickelt sich gerade zu einem neuen Hotspot der Szene. Schroffe Berge, tolle Trails und das milde Klima locken viele, die den Gardasee und auch Finale Ligure schon gut kennen, in die noch nicht berlaufenen Quartiere auf Elba. Hier gibt es unendliche Fahrm... Read more
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Elba Kompass 2468
  • Elba on a map at 1:25,000 from Kompass, with a street plan of Portoferraio and coverage of the nearby Capraia and Pianosa at 1:50,000. Contours are at 20m intervals, with relief shading and graphics/colouring to indicate different types of the terrain. An overprint highlights hiking trails, including the GTE – Grande Traversata Elbana,... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Elba & the Tuscan Archipelago 25K Ed. Multigraphic Map No. 502
  • Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago at 1:25,000 in a series of hiking maps from Edizioni Multigraphic covering Tuscany, parts of Umbria, and the adjoining areas. The cartography is rather old fashioned and sometimes not as clear as in the other map series but for many areas, especially for parts of Tuscany, these are the only hiking maps available.... Read more
United Kingdom
  • IT2 Elba to Naples
  • Passage ChartsC 1 Mallorca to Sicily 1:1,750,000C 2 Corsica Channel to Mt. Argentario 1:350,000C 3 Mt. Argentario to Capo Circeo 1:350,000C 4 Capo Circeo to Capri 1:350,000Coastal ChartsC 5 Tuscan Islands South 1:150,000C 6 Pta. Ala to Mt. Argentario 1:150,000C 7 Mt. Argentario to Capo Linaro 1:150,000C 8 Capo Linaro to Rome 1:150,000C 9 Rome... Read more
  • Kompass WK2468 Elba
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Kompass WK2468 Elba
  • Deze kaart is ideaal voor het uitstippelen van wandel- en fietsroutes en om onderweg te gebruiken • goed leesbare kaart met heel veel topografische details • duidelijke symbolen maken de kaart extra overzichtelijk • wandel- en fietsroutes zijn aangegeven • praktische informatie over de regio • bruikbaar met GPS • nuttige informatie voor... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Elba L`Escursionista Editore
  • Elba at 1:25,000 on a contoured and GPS-compatible map from L’Escursionista Editore prominently highlighting local trails and longer routes, shown where appropriate with their waymaking symbols and/or official numbers, plus a 32-page English language booklet on the Grande Traversata Elbana including accommodation.Topography of the island is... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 40 Isola d'Elba | L'Escursionista editore
  • Elba at 1:25,000 on a contoured and GPS-compatible map from L’Escursionista Editore prominently highlighting local trails and longer routes, shown where appropriate with their waymaking symbols and/or official numbers, plus a 32-page English language booklet on the Grande Traversata Elbana including accommodation.Topography of the island is... Read more
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De Zwerver
De Zwerver
United Kingdom
  • Aeolian (Lipari) Islands and Southern Italy F&B
  • Aeolian (Lipari) Islands at 1:20,000 from Freytag & Berndt on a double-sided map which presents on the reverse coverage of Italy south of Rome at 1:600,000 and shows ferry access to the islands from the mainland or Sicily.On one side the islands are shown in a series of panels, with the three largest: Salina, Lipari and Vulcano together, and... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart - Wegenkaart - landkaart Liparische eilanden | Freytag & Berndt
  • Aeolian (Lipari) Islands at 1:20,000 from Freytag & Berndt on a double-sided map which presents on the reverse coverage of Italy south of Rome at 1:600,000 and shows ferry access to the islands from the mainland or Sicily.On one side the islands are shown in a series of panels, with the three largest: Salina, Lipari and Vulcano together, and... Read more
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