GR412 - Sentier des Terrils


  1. Name GR412 - Sentier des Terrils (GR142)
  2. Length of trail 279 km, 173 miles
  3. Length in days 14 days
  4. Start of trail Blegny-Mine
  5. End of trail Bernissart
  6. Traildino grading EW, Easy walk, nature trail

Sentier des Terrils, 279 km

This is a mineworkers trail. A Terril is a spoil tip from the mines. This GR climbs some of them, offering good views. Generations of mineworkers had their lifes in these villages and mines.

Select some tracks
GR 412 Sentier des Terrils, 308km
GR 412 Ouest - Sentier des Terrils, 141km
GR 412 Boucle 1 Boucle Noire, 21km
Boucle du site minier du Martinet GR 412 variante, 1.4km
GR412 Circuit 1 Tour de Flémalle, 2.5km
GR 412 - Circuit 1 Tour de Flémalle C1, 20km
GR 412 Boucle 2 Les Coteaux, 9.4km
GR 412 Boucle 3 Hasard-Bas Bois, 11km
GR 412 - Circuit n° 2 Saint-Nicolas - Espérance - Gosson, 13km
De Laon à Verzenay, 8.1km
GR 412 alternative
GR 412 Liaison gare de Namur, 5km
GR 412 Liaison GR 573 et gare d'Angleur, 9.4km
GR 412 Liaison gare de Thulin, 1.8km
GR 412 Boucle Noire variante sommet terril des Piges, 0.4km


Hiking map Belgium GR412


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  • Alpujarras Tour & Trail Super-Durable Map
  • For the best adventures, use the best map. The Moorish white villages of the Alpujarras are well known to day trippers from the Costa del Sol. For walkers this is an idyllic region with stone-laid donkey trails linking the tipico villages and stretching up the southern slopes of the Sierra Nevada to Mulhacen; at 3,483 metres the highest... Read more
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