The Way of St. Elizabeth


  1. Name The Way of St. Elizabeth
  2. Length of trail 95 km, 59 miles
  3. Length in days 5 days
  4. Start of trail Košice
  5. End of trail Sárospatak

St. Elisabeth is the inspiration for this multi-day pilgrimage way connecting Sárospatak in Hungary with the pleasing city of Košice in Slovakia. The first part runs through dense forests. The last part in Slovakia is along river Hornad. Plenty of accommodation

Select some tracks
Szent Erzsébet-út/Cesta svätej Alžbety, 69km
.Szent Erzsébet-út (Tarcal), 25km
Elisabethpfad 1, 136km
Cesta svätej Alžbety, 27km
Jakobs-Pilgerweg Eisenach - Marburg, 177km


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