New England Trail


  1. Name New England Trail (NET)
  2. Length of trail 1,287 km, 800 miles
  3. Length in days 65 days
  4. Traildino grading EW, Easy walk, nature trail

Rhode Island coast - by Wsf A proposed footway, 800 miles (1.287 km) in length. The idea is to create a three-pronged greenway spanning the length of central New England, from the coasts of Rhode Island and Connecticut to Mount Megantic, Quebec. A second, twin initiative, proposes a New England National Scenic Trail, with some minor differences.

Select some tracks
NET New England National Scenic Trail, 244km
.Menunkatuck Trail, 26km
Grande Anello dei Sibillini
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 1, 13km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 2, 11km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 3, 9.7km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 4, 19km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 5, 11km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 6, 14km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 7, 18km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 8, 20km
.Grande Anello dei Sibillini Tappa 9, 11km
Net Walk & Shore Loney, 0.9km


New England Trail

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  • Last Mountain Lake Fun Book
  • Does your little one love spending time with the family at the lake? Then they will love this delightful book filled with activities related to water-side vacations. The Lake Fun Book includes coloring pages with everything from the animals you d find at the lake to the tents you sleep in. Puzzles and word finds create fun and educational... Read more
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