Camino del Ebro


  1. Name Camino del Ebro (GR 99)
  2. Length of trail 220 km, 137 miles
  3. Length in days 9 days
  4. Start of trail Riumar / Sant Jaume d’Enveja
  5. End of trail Fuentes de Ebro / Zaragoza (?)
  6. Traildino grading EW, Easy walk, nature trail

Camino del Ebro

Camino del Ebro, Sant Jaume d’Enveja - Fuentes de Ebro / Zaragoza, 220 km, 9 days

The Camino del Ebro uses the first part of the GR99, the long distance trail that follows river Ebro to its source in Cantabria. In Zaragoza, it meets the path coming from Montserrat and Lleida, the Camí Catalá per lleida.

Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.

Select some tracks
Camino natural del Ebro, 952km
GR99 Variante, 2km


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